Comentarios en: Ganador y finalistas del worldwide photo walk 2014 Asociación Focus de fotógrafos leoneses Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:32:32 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Amadeus Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:32:32 +0000 Awesome! I love to occasionally shoot whoitut looking through the viewfinder for a fresh point of view, but you took it to the next level with a whole photowalk that way! I’m glad that you slept on it and came back to it the next day. It sounds like you’ve discovered some things you liked about what you captured, maybe pointing you in a new direction to play. Every photowalk doesn’t have to result in stellar pictures. Sometimes just trying something new, getting out of your comfort zone and learning, is enough. Thank you for your post!Kat Sloma recently posted..
